Parent/Student Info Page


Students are expected to have their bookbag, class notebook, and textbook brought to every class. Students will also need their supplies such as pens, pencils and ruler.

Students are expected to stay in their assign seats given at the beginning of the year. Seat modifications might be made after the year as needed.

Homework is not taken up, instead a completion grade will be given, we will all go over the homework together in class.

    Rules and consequences

Class Rules:

1. Use Appropriate language

2. Stay seated till bell rings

3. Come prepared for class

4. Work as a Team



1. Warning

2. Move Desk Near Teacher

3. Notification to Parents in Agenda with Req. Signature

4. Sent to office to rethink about the class rules


    Reward system:

-Teacher helper

-Class "money" they can trade in at the class "store" for goodies such as candy, school supplies, and such.


-stickers on good work

-special parties for whole class that pass the test together

-Positive Parent notification (emails/call)


    Classroom expectations

-Class is 80 minutes long

-Students will need to keep one binder for my subject only. No trapper-keepers. Students are expected to keep notebooks organized and with tabs labeled for 13 chapters.

-Students are expected to participate and try their best to get full participation grade. This includes being involved in discussions and attempting their homework and asking questions.

-Parents should try to assist their child in their studies. At the very least, assisting them to get to school a little bit earlier to come to my class for additional help.

   students will be learning and how they will be graded

Grade Scale:

A grade from 90-100

B Grade from 80-99

C Grade from 70-89

F Grade from 0-69

Participation Grade Every week 1/3 of overall grade.

Tests and Quizes 1/3 of overall grade

Homework 1/3 of overall grade


Communication with Parents

-Use of SMS message from Teacher using MessageED

-Welcome to use my school email:

-Welcome to use my classroom website for help on homework and events and schedule